Sunday, 4 September 2011

Why don't they have a website??

It seems like almost every product I consume is made by a business with web presence. So is it crucial to be present in the world wide web for businesses, in order to be effectively competitive in today's tech savvy, internet addicted society?

What if you're not on the web?
- Are you considered less relevant and less innovative perhaps?
- Are you operating less efficiently than competitors that do have web presence?
- Are you missing out on invaluable branding/advertising opportunities?
- Are you missing out on business with a global market?

I'd answer 'yes' to these questions in most cases (check out these 20 reasons for web presence). Whether it's a commercial or industrial business, I feel it is important to have some form of effective web presence in order to compete well, especially in the long run. I also think innovation, whether its product, process, organisational or marketing innovation, is a big key to success in today's global business environment and I think web presence may be an enabler of innovation.

According to an Australian Bureau of Statistics report, the higher the intensity of Informations and Communications Technology (ICT), in particular web presence, the higher the likelihood of a firm being an innovator.

Although the report doesn't necessarily talk about consumer perceptions, do you think we could assume that businesses with higher web presence are more likely to be perceived as more innovative?

I've heard of some arguments that web presence is not necessary for business success and some business choose to focus resources on their physical product and operation offline, but it seems the benefits of being online significantly outweigh those of having no web presence. Even more than that, I feel it's too risky for businesses to operate without it if competitors do strategise with web presence.

What do you think?


  1. Interesting question, Alisha.

    I just got my car fixed at a panel beaters who does all of their work through insurance companies. I don't think they have a website. Do you think they need one?

    I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this issue.

  2. Perhaps it really depends on the industry and the strategic capabilities available to a business. I attended a seminar last week about successfully launching a fashion label, and it was made clear by the speaker that web presence was extremely important and a key to success.

    However, I suppose in the automotive repair industry web presence is not a major KSF. Could it be that perhaps they may be reaching their online market through the website of the insurance company?
